Let The Sunshine In – The Sunshine Blogger Award!


Hey, guys! The “Trilogy of Error” review is currently in progress, but today, we’re doing something a little different.

As indicated above, The Review Nebula has been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award!  This appears to be my very first WordPress “blogger award”, and at the very least, it’s the first that I’m aware of, so I’m particularly excited. In this case, I have to thank the Up On the Shelf review blog for the nod – it is much appreciated! Go check her blog out when you have the time; it is quite a fantastic read.

First, let’s lay down the ground rules, as per Sunshine Blogger Award convention:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. (Refer to above for an example.)
  • Answer the eleven questions from the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate eleven bloggers.
  • Create eleven new questions for your nominees to answer.

(Apparently, different bloggers that have done this have allowed a different amount of questions and nominees, so if you can’t get to eleven nods, no harm, no foul.) Continue reading